Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Aesthetic and background

Aesthetic and background. I tried to do the whole 'plastic bright flat' look, but it just ended up looking boring, then i tried the painted kinda look, i took the same amount of time on each and i like the painted on better, though its going to look better once i put more detail and colour into it. All the backgorunds are planned and i went out and took a load of photos to paint over. Cant wait to get them done!

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Buttons Seasons and turn arounds.

Here is Summer (left) hybernation (centre) and Autumn (Right)


Just a few of the images I've been collecting to inspire me with me aesthetic, hopefully it will be very flat colours with different textures in the background, very bright and childlike. But with different seasons coming into play with this i think I'll be capable of making the piece look varied and interesting.